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API to control the logic of AI in the mission




Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string

Description: Pauses the agent, and stops it from doing anything.

Returns: Nothing

Notes: The AI will be hidden from networks, meaning it will no longer interact with devices or send/receive messages.



Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string

Description: Unpauses a hidden agent, resuming standard behaviour.

Returns: Nothing



Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string

Description: Returns a bool based on if a character is currently paused or not

Returns: bool


AI.AddTemporaryGoal(characterName, goal)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
goal Lua Table

Description: Adds a goal, taking top priority, to the named AI

Returns: Nothing

Notes: This goal will be removed from the AI once complete. If it isn't achievable it will be removed immediately.


AI.AlterNPCMotivation(characterName, motivationDelta)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
motivationDelta number

Description: Alters an NPCS motivation state

Returns: Nothing

Notes: When an NPCs motivation hits 0, they're no longer motivated and will attempt to take a break


AI.AlterNPCWorldState(characterName, state, value)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
state string
value Lua Type

Description: Change the World State of an NPC.

Returns: Nothing


AI.FavourInterest(characterName, device, permanent)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
device string
permanent bool

Description: Reduce the cost of an AI using a particular Interest

Returns: Nothing

Notes: If permanent is false, the cost will revert to normal the next time this is successfully used


AI.AvoidInterest(characterName, device, permanent)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
device string
permanent bool

Description: Increase the cost of an AI using a particular Interest

Returns: Nothing

Notes: If permanent is false, the cost will revert to normal the next time this is successfully used


AI.ChangeSubject(characterName, subject, value)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
subject string
value string

Description: Set the value of a particular subject, enabling Actions with Personality requirements

Returns: Nothing

Notes: value can be null or empty (to unset/reset the subject)


AI.ReactTo(characterName, subject, value)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
subject string
value string

Description: Much like ChangeSubject, but instead of enabling Actions, this will alter stats within the Agent, modifying its WorldState (and as a result, enabling Actions)

Returns: Nothing

Notes: value can be null or empty (to unset/reset the subject)


AI.CreateReactable(actionType, attraction, targetObject)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
actionType AIReaction+Type
attraction number
targetObject MissionObject

Description: Create a new distraction that AI can pick up on

Returns: Nothing


AI.SetNPCFavouredComputer(characterName, computer)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
characterName string
computer MissionObject

Description: Set NPC's computer, this will be used for a variety of actions

Returns: Nothing

This file is auto generated, please don't edit manually!

Docs last hacked together on: 15/11/2019 14:59