Doors Lua API

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Revision as of 17:03, 4 February 2019 by Steve (talk | contribs)
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API to control the logic of doors in the mission



Doors.SetZoneKeys(zoneName, keyNames)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
zoneName string
keyNames Lua Table

Description: Sets a key as unlocking a specific zone

Returns: Nothing



Expected parameter types

Name Type
networkTable Lua Table

Description: Sets the name of the network for the door system to use

Returns: Nothing


Doors.SetKeyOnDevice(keyName, device)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
keyName string
device Lua Table

Description: Sets a key as the current NFC file on a net device

Returns: Nothing


Doors.AssignKeyToCharacter(keyName, character)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
keyName string
character Lua Type

Description: Adds a key to a characters inventory and sets it as the characters current NFC data

Returns: Nothing

Notes: The character parameter can be either a character table, as set out in your mission script, or the internal name of the character to be assigned the key

This file is auto generated, please don't edit manually!

Docs last hacked together on: 04/02/2019 17:02