VSCode Snippets

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Revision as of 14:30, 29 August 2023 by Icaro (talk | contribs)
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"AI.Pause": {

   "prefix": "AI.Pause",
   "body": [
   "description": "Pauses the agent, and stops it from doing anything."

}, "AI.Unpause": {

   "prefix": "AI.Unpause",
   "body": [
   "description": "Unpauses a hidden agent, resuming standard behaviour."

}, "AI.IsPaused": {

   "prefix": "AI.IsPaused",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns a bool based on if a character is currently paused or not"

}, "AI.AddGoal": {

   "prefix": "AI.AddGoal",
   "body": [
       "AI.AddGoal(${0:characterName}, ${1:goal})"
   "description": "Adds a defined goal"

}, "AI.RemoveGoal": {

   "prefix": "AI.RemoveGoal",
   "body": [
       "AI.RemoveGoal(${0:characterName}, ${1:goalName})"
   "description": "Removes any defined goals"

}, "AI.AddTemporaryGoal": {

   "prefix": "AI.AddTemporaryGoal",
   "body": [
       "AI.AddTemporaryGoal(${0:characterName}, ${1:goal})"
   "description": "Adds a goal, taking top priority, to the named AI"

}, "AI.GetNPCProfileByTag": {

   "prefix": "AI.GetNPCProfileByTag",
   "body": [
       "AI.GetNPCProfileByTag(${0:characterName}, ${1:tag})"
   "description": "Get all values of a tag from a chaarcter's profile, if the tag exists."

}, "AI.Lua_CheckNPCProfile": {

   "prefix": "AI.Lua_CheckNPCProfile",
   "body": [
       "AI.Lua_CheckNPCProfile(${0:characterName}, ${1:tag}, ${2:value})"
   "description": "Check if character's profile data contains a specific tag wiht a specific value"

}, "AI.GetNPCStat": {

   "prefix": "AI.GetNPCStat",
   "body": [
       "AI.GetNPCStat(${0:characterName}, ${1:statName})"
   "description": "Returns current value of NPC's stat"

}, "AI.SetNPCStat": {

   "prefix": "AI.SetNPCStat",
   "body": [
       "AI.SetNPCStat(${0:characterName}, ${1:statName}, ${2:newValue})"
   "description": "Sets an NPC's AI stat to absolute value"

}, "AI.AlterNPCStat": {

   "prefix": "AI.AlterNPCStat",
   "body": [
       "AI.AlterNPCStat(${0:characterName}, ${1:statName}, ${2:statDelta})"
   "description": "Alters an NPC's AI stat by relative value"

}, "AI.AlterNPCWorldState": {

   "prefix": "AI.AlterNPCWorldState",
   "body": [
       "AI.AlterNPCWorldState(${0:characterName}, ${1:state}, ${2:value})"
   "description": "Change the World State of an NPC."

}, "AI.FavourInterest": {

   "prefix": "AI.FavourInterest",
   "body": [
       "AI.FavourInterest(${0:characterName}, ${1:device}, ${2:permanent})"
   "description": "Reduce the cost of an AI using a particular Interest"

}, "AI.AvoidInterest": {

   "prefix": "AI.AvoidInterest",
   "body": [
       "AI.AvoidInterest(${0:characterName}, ${1:device}, ${2:permanent})"
   "description": "Increase the cost of an AI using a particular Interest"

}, "AI.SetNPCFavouredComputer": {

   "prefix": "AI.SetNPCFavouredComputer",
   "body": [
       "AI.SetNPCFavouredComputer(${0:characterName}, ${1:computer})"
   "description": "Set NPC's computer, this will be used for a variety of actions"

}, "AI.AddAction": {

   "prefix": "AI.AddAction",
   "body": [
       "AI.AddAction(${0:characterName}, ${1:action})"
   "description": "Adds an action that can be used immediately"

}, "AI.RemoveAction": {

   "prefix": "AI.RemoveAction",
   "body": [
       "AI.RemoveAction(${0:characterName}, ${1:actionName})"
   "description": "Removes any action"

}, "Animator.SetBool": {

   "prefix": "Animator.SetBool",
   "body": [
       "Animator.SetBool(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:parameterName}, ${2:value})"
   "description": "Sets a bool parameter by name"

}, "Animator.SetFloat": {

   "prefix": "Animator.SetFloat",
   "body": [
       "Animator.SetFloat(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:parameterName}, ${2:value})"
   "description": "Sets a float parameter by name"

}, "Animator.SetInt": {

   "prefix": "Animator.SetInt",
   "body": [
       "Animator.SetInt(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:parameterName}, ${2:value})"
   "description": "Sets a int parameter by name"

}, "Animator.SetTrigger": {

   "prefix": "Animator.SetTrigger",
   "body": [
       "Animator.SetTrigger(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:parameterName})"
   "description": "Begins a trigger parameter by name"

}, "Animator.GetBool": {

   "prefix": "Animator.GetBool",
   "body": [
       "Animator.GetBool(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:parameterName})"
   "description": "Gets the current value of a bool parameter by name"

}, "Animator.GetFloat": {

   "prefix": "Animator.GetFloat",
   "body": [
       "Animator.GetFloat(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:parameterName})"
   "description": "Gets the current value of a float parameter by name"

}, "Animator.GetInt": {

   "prefix": "Animator.GetInt",
   "body": [
       "Animator.GetInt(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:parameterName})"
   "description": "Gets the current value of a int parameter by name"

}, "Apps.RequestAppState": {

   "prefix": "Apps.RequestAppState",
   "body": [
       "Apps.RequestAppState(${0:appName}, ${1:newState})"
   "description": "Ask an App to change it's state"

}, "Apps.Console_OutputLine": {

   "prefix": "Apps.Console_OutputLine",
   "body": [
       "Apps.Console_OutputLine(${0:appName}, ${1:outputString})"
   "description": "Output a line to the terminal UI"

}, "SetState": {

   "prefix": "SetState",
   "body": [
   "description": "Sets the App's state."

}, "CreateStatusWindow": {

   "prefix": "CreateStatusWindow",
   "body": [
   "description": "Create the status window"

}, "RemoveStatusWindow": {

   "prefix": "RemoveStatusWindow",
   "body": [
   "description": "Remove this app's status window"

}, "DisplayStatusWindow": {

   "prefix": "DisplayStatusWindow",
   "body": [
   "description": "Show or hide the app's status window."

}, "UpdateStatusWindow": {

   "prefix": "UpdateStatusWindow",
   "body": [
   "description": "Update the text content of the app's status window"

}, "SetStatusIcon": {

   "prefix": "SetStatusIcon",
   "body": [
   "description": "Set the icon used for the app's status window"

}, "SetStatusIconColor": {

   "prefix": "SetStatusIconColor",
   "body": [
   "description": "Set the color of the status window icon"

}, "CreateAppWindow": {

   "prefix": "CreateAppWindow",
   "body": [
       "CreateAppWindow(${0:title}, ${1:backgroundImagePath})"
   "description": "Initialize the AppWindow for this App"

}, "RemoveAppWindow": {

   "prefix": "RemoveAppWindow",
   "body": [
   "description": "Reset the AppWindow"

}, "ShowAppWindow": {

   "prefix": "ShowAppWindow",
   "body": [
   "description": "Make the AppWindow visible (rember to create the window first!)"

}, "HideAppWindow": {

   "prefix": "HideAppWindow",
   "body": [
   "description": "Hide the app window."

}, "SetAppWindowContent": {

   "prefix": "SetAppWindowContent",
   "body": [
   "description": "Set the content text of the AppWindow"

}, "ShowAppWindowProgress": {

   "prefix": "ShowAppWindowProgress",
   "body": [
   "description": "Show (or hide) a progress bar on the AppWindow"

}, "SetAppWindowProgress": {

   "prefix": "SetAppWindowProgress",
   "body": [
   "description": "Set the progres on the AppWindow progress bar (remember to use 'ShowAppWindowProgress(true)' first to enable it!)"

}, "StartLuaCoroutine": {

   "prefix": "StartLuaCoroutine",
   "body": [
   "description": "..."

}, "Color.RandomColor": {

   "prefix": "Color.RandomColor",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns a random color"

}, "Color.LessRandomColor": {

   "prefix": "Color.LessRandomColor",
   "body": [
       "Color.LessRandomColor(${0:hMin}, ${1:hMax}, ${2:sMin}, ${3:sMax}, ${4:vMin}, ${5:vMax}, ${6:aMin}, ${7:aMax})"
   "description": "Returns a random color based on hue, saturation, value, and alpha upper and lower limits"

}, "Color.Clear" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Clear",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #ffffff;\"| || 1, 1, 1\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Black" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Black",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #181818;\"| || 0.094, 0.094, 0.094\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.DarkGrey" : {

   "prefix": "Color.DarkGrey",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #585858;\"| || 0.345, 0.345, 0.345\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Grey" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Grey",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #B8B8B8;\"| || 0.722, 0.722, 0.722\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.LightGrey" : {

   "prefix": "Color.LightGrey",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #D8D8D8;\"| || 0.847, 0.847, 0.847\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.White" : {

   "prefix": "Color.White",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #F8F8F8;\"| || 0.972, 0.972, 0.972\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Red" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Red",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #AB4642;\"| || 0.671, 0.275, 0.259\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Orange" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Orange",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #DC9656;\"| || 0.863, 0.589, 0.336\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Yellow" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Yellow",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #F7CA88;\"| || 0.969, 0.792, 0.533\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Green" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Green",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #A1B56C;\"| || 0.631, 0.71, 0.424\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Cyan" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Cyan",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #86C1B9;\"| || 0.525, 0.757, 0.725\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Blue" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Blue",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #7CAFC2;\"| || 0.486, 0.686, 0.761\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Purple" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Purple",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #BA8BAF;\"| || 0.729, 0.545, 0.686\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Color.Brown" : {

   "prefix": "Color.Brown",
   "body": [
   "description": "\r\n{| class=wikitable\r\n! Preview !! RGB\r\n|-\r\n|style=\"background: #A16946;\"| || 0.631, 0.412, 0.275\r\n|-\r\n|}"

}, "Conversation.StartScript": {

   "prefix": "Conversation.StartScript",
   "body": [
       "Conversation.StartScript(${0:path}, ${1:onCompleteCallback})"
   "description": "Starts a conversation from a name"

}, "DataPoints.GetAllDataPoints": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.GetAllDataPoints",
   "body": [
   "description": "Return all the data points that are currently in the level"

}, "DataPoints.GetObjectDataPoints": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.GetObjectDataPoints",
   "body": [
   "description": "Return all the data points received by an object or a character "

}, "DataPoints.FilterNetwork": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.FilterNetwork",
   "body": [
       "DataPoints.FilterNetwork(${0:dataPoints}, ${1:networkName})"
   "description": "Filter data points with the network name"

}, "DataPoints.FilterDataType": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.FilterDataType",
   "body": [
       "DataPoints.FilterDataType(${0:dataPoints}, ${1:dataType})"
   "description": "Filter data points with the data type"

}, "DataPoints.DeleteDataPoints": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.DeleteDataPoints",
   "body": [
   "description": "Remove data points from the level"

}, "DataPoints.GetData": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.GetData",
   "body": [
   "description": "Return all the data string from the given data points"

}, "DataPoints.GetDataPointInfo": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.GetDataPointInfo",
   "body": [
   "description": "Return all the data info from the given data points"

}, "DataPoints.PlayersInventorySave": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.PlayersInventorySave",
   "body": [
   "description": "Save data info in the the players inventory"

}, "DataPoints.PlayersInventoryRemove": {

   "prefix": "DataPoints.PlayersInventoryRemove",
   "body": [
   "description": "Save data info in the the players inventory"

}, "Debug.ConnectToDevLaptop": {

   "prefix": "Debug.ConnectToDevLaptop",
   "body": [
   "description": "Open SSH connection to DevLaptop Device, if there's one in the level."

}, "Debug.TeleportPlayer": {

   "prefix": "Debug.TeleportPlayer",
   "body": [
   "description": "Teleport player to a SpawnPoint in level."

}, "Debug.ShowPlayerPath": {

   "prefix": "Debug.ShowPlayerPath",
   "body": [
   "description": "ShowPlayerPath"

}, "Devices.SetPower": {

   "prefix": "Devices.SetPower",
   "body": [
       "Devices.SetPower(${0:deviceName}, ${1:state})"
   "description": "Change the powered on state of the device"

}, "Devices.TogglePower": {

   "prefix": "Devices.TogglePower",
   "body": [
   "description": "Flip the powered on state of the device"

}, "Devices.GetPower": {

   "prefix": "Devices.GetPower",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the powered on state of the device"

}, "Devices.SetActive": {

   "prefix": "Devices.SetActive",
   "body": [
       "Devices.SetActive(${0:deviceName}, ${1:state})"
   "description": "Change the active state of the device"

}, "Devices.ToggleActive": {

   "prefix": "Devices.ToggleActive",
   "body": [
   "description": "Flip the active state of the device"

}, "Devices.GetActive": {

   "prefix": "Devices.GetActive",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the active state of the device"

}, "Devices.RunOnce": {

   "prefix": "Devices.RunOnce",
   "body": [
   "description": "Trigger a single update of the device"

}, "Devices.SetAmok": {

   "prefix": "Devices.SetAmok",
   "body": [
       "Devices.SetAmok(${0:deviceName}, ${1:state})"
   "description": "Begin an 'Amok' state, cause the device to act in an unstable/broken manor"

}, "Devices.ToggleAmok": {

   "prefix": "Devices.ToggleAmok",
   "body": [
   "description": "Flip the amok state"

}, "Devices.GetAmok": {

   "prefix": "Devices.GetAmok",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the 'Amok' state of the device"

}, "Devices.SetValue": {

   "prefix": "Devices.SetValue",
   "body": [
       "Devices.SetValue(${0:deviceName}, ${1:newValue})"
   "description": "Pass a string value to the device"

}, "Devices.GetValue": {

   "prefix": "Devices.GetValue",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the current value of the device"

}, "Devices.GetDataInventory": {

   "prefix": "Devices.GetDataInventory",
   "body": [
       "Devices.GetDataInventory(${0:deviceName}, ${1:index})"
   "description": "Get the description of the data at this index in the DataInventory"

}, "Devices.GetDataPointFromInventory": {

   "prefix": "Devices.GetDataPointFromInventory",
   "body": [
       "Devices.GetDataPointFromInventory(${0:deviceName}, ${1:index})"
   "description": "Get a table of useful data from the DataPoint at this index in the DataInventory"

}, "Devices.GetDataInventoryCount": {

   "prefix": "Devices.GetDataInventoryCount",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the number of DataPoints in the DataInventory of this device"

}, "Devices.CheckPlayerAccess": {

   "prefix": "Devices.CheckPlayerAccess",
   "body": [
   "description": "Check if the PLayer has access to a Device"

}, "Doors.SetZoneKeys": {

   "prefix": "Doors.SetZoneKeys",
   "body": [
       "Doors.SetZoneKeys(${0:zoneName}, ${1:keyNames})"
   "description": "Sets a key as unlocking a specific zone"

}, "Doors.SetNetwork": {

   "prefix": "Doors.SetNetwork",
   "body": [
   "description": "Sets the name of the network for the door system to use"

}, "Doors.SetKeyOnDevice": {

   "prefix": "Doors.SetKeyOnDevice",
   "body": [
       "Doors.SetKeyOnDevice(${0:keyName}, ${1:deviceName})"
   "description": "Sets a key as the current NFC file on a net device"

}, "Doors.AssignKeyToCharacter": {

   "prefix": "Doors.AssignKeyToCharacter",
   "body": [
       "Doors.AssignKeyToCharacter(${0:keyName}, ${1:character})"
   "description": "Adds a key to a characters inventory and sets it as the characters current NFC data"

}, "Doors.Open": {

   "prefix": "Doors.Open",
   "body": [
   "description": "Open the specified door."

}, "Doors.Close": {

   "prefix": "Doors.Close",
   "body": [
   "description": "close the specified door."

}, "Doors.Unlock": {

   "prefix": "Doors.Unlock",
   "body": [
   "description": "Unlock the specified door"

}, "Doors.Lock": {

   "prefix": "Doors.Lock",
   "body": [
   "description": "Lock the specified door"

}, "Flutter.SendMessageFromCharacter": {

   "prefix": "Flutter.SendMessageFromCharacter",
   "body": [
       "Flutter.SendMessageFromCharacter(${0:message}, ${1:internalName})"
   "description": "Sends a custom FlutterMessage from NPC in current level"

}, "Flutter.SendRandomMessageFromCharacter": {

   "prefix": "Flutter.SendRandomMessageFromCharacter",
   "body": [
   "description": "Sends a generated Flutter message from NPC in current level"

}, "Flutter.SendRandomMessage": {

   "prefix": "Flutter.SendRandomMessage",
   "body": [
   "description": "Sends a generated Flutter message from generated random character"

}, "Flutter.SetFlutterEnabled": {

   "prefix": "Flutter.SetFlutterEnabled",
   "body": [
   "description": "Set Flutter app enabled or disabled."

}, "GameProgress.GetValue": {

   "prefix": "GameProgress.GetValue",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns a value from the game progress by key, empty string if it doesn't exist"

}, "GameProgress.SetValue": {

   "prefix": "GameProgress.SetValue",
   "body": [
       "GameProgress.SetValue(${0:key}, ${1:value}, ${2:overwrite})"
   "description": "Sets a value in the game progress"

}, "GameProgress.HasKey": {

   "prefix": "GameProgress.HasKey",
   "body": [
   "description": "Does the specified key exist?"

}, "Mission.CompletedMissionSetup_Always": {

   "prefix": "Mission.CompletedMissionSetup_Always",
   "body": [
   "description": "This should be called at the end of MissionSetup_Always()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAfter it the game will either load last save and start, or execute MissionSetup_NoSave()"

}, "Mission.CompletedMissionSetup_NoSave": {

   "prefix": "Mission.CompletedMissionSetup_NoSave",
   "body": [
   "description": "This should be called at the end of MissionSetup_NoSave()\r\n\t\t\t\tCall this AFTER all Devices have been connected to their networks. This allows DataPoints to be processed correctly."

}, "Mission.MissionCompleted": {

   "prefix": "Mission.MissionCompleted",
   "body": [
   "description": "This should be called when the final objective of the mission has been completed\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tIt will trigger the game to fade to black and return to the main menu"

}, "Mission.MissionFailed": {

   "prefix": "Mission.MissionFailed",
   "body": [
   "description": "This function will fail the current mission, as if Joe had been tazed (or similar)."

}, "Mission.SpawnCharacter": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SpawnCharacter",
   "body": [
   "description": "Spawn a registered character in the game"

}, "Mission.ObjectiveIsActive": {

   "prefix": "Mission.ObjectiveIsActive",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns true if objective has been started but not completed yet."

}, "Mission.ObjectiveIsCompleted": {

   "prefix": "Mission.ObjectiveIsCompleted",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns true if objective has been completed."

}, "Mission.StartObjective": {

   "prefix": "Mission.StartObjective",
   "body": [
   "description": "Start the provided objective"

}, "Mission.CompleteObjective": {

   "prefix": "Mission.CompleteObjective",
   "body": [
   "description": "Complete the provided objective"

}, "Mission.GetCurrentObjective": {

   "prefix": "Mission.GetCurrentObjective",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the name of the current objective"

}, "Mission.TriggerAutoSave": {

   "prefix": "Mission.TriggerAutoSave",
   "body": [
   "description": "Triggers an autosave, only if the game is current in a mission"

}, "Mission.SetMissionObjectInteractionRequirement": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SetMissionObjectInteractionRequirement",
   "body": [
       "Mission.SetMissionObjectInteractionRequirement(${0:name}, ${1:requirement})"
   "description": "Sets if a MissionObject should request the player to select an item or data file before interaction"

}, "Mission.SetCharacterInteractionRequirement": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SetCharacterInteractionRequirement",
   "body": [
       "Mission.SetCharacterInteractionRequirement(${0:name}, ${1:requirement})"
   "description": "Sets if a Character should request the player to select an item or data file before interaction"

}, "Mission.SetCharacterInteractable": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SetCharacterInteractable",
   "body": [
       "Mission.SetCharacterInteractable(${0:name}, ${1:state})"
   "description": "Sets if a Character should be interactable or not at the moment"

}, "Mission.SetPlayerControlled": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SetPlayerControlled",
   "body": [
   "description": "Set whether the player is currently in control (or not). Used for cutscenes, and other things that we haven't thought of yet."

}, "Mission.GetBool": {

   "prefix": "Mission.GetBool",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get a boolean value of a key in mission Lua script. Returns false if key doesn't exist."

}, "Mission.SetBool": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SetBool",
   "body": [
       "Mission.SetBool(${0:key}, ${1:newBool})"
   "description": "Sets a boolean value of a key in mission Lua script."

}, "Mission.GetString": {

   "prefix": "Mission.GetString",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get a string value of a key in mission Lua script. Returns empty if key doesn't exist."

}, "Mission.SetString": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SetString",
   "body": [
       "Mission.SetString(${0:key}, ${1:newString})"
   "description": "Sets a string value of a key in mission Lua script."

}, "Mission.GetNumber": {

   "prefix": "Mission.GetNumber",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get a numeric value of a key in mission Lua script. Returns 0 if key doesn't exist."

}, "Mission.SetNumber": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SetNumber",
   "body": [
       "Mission.SetNumber(${0:key}, ${1:newValue})"
   "description": "Sets a numeric value of a key in mission Lua script."

}, "Mission.StartVibrationEvent": {

   "prefix": "Mission.StartVibrationEvent",
   "body": [
   "description": "Start a mission object vibration event"

}, "Mission.StopVibrationEvent": {

   "prefix": "Mission.StopVibrationEvent",
   "body": [
   "description": "Stop a mission object vibration event"

}, "Mission.SpawnWanderNPCs": {

   "prefix": "Mission.SpawnWanderNPCs",
   "body": [
       "Mission.SpawnWanderNPCs(${0:spawnPoint}, ${1:spawnNum}, ${2:characterPrefabs}, ${3:headProps}, ${4:colorTextures}, ${5:metalTextures}, ${6:gestures})"
   "description": "Spawns various Wander NPCs in a randomized way"

}, "Network.CreateDataPoint": {

   "prefix": "Network.CreateDataPoint",
   "body": [
       "Network.CreateDataPoint(${0:internalName}, ${1:dataTable}, ${2:locationObject}, ${3:characterName}, ${4:networkName})"
   "description": "Create a DataPoint in a specific place, from a specific character, with pre filled in data."

}, "Network.ConnectToNetwork": {

   "prefix": "Network.ConnectToNetwork",
   "body": [
       "Network.ConnectToNetwork(${0:connector}, ${1:targetNetwork}, ${2:accessKey})"
   "description": "Connect a device (or a table of devices) to a specified network"

}, "Network.SendData": {

   "prefix": "Network.SendData",
   "body": [
       "Network.SendData(${0:internalName}, ${1:dataTable}, ${2:sender}, ${3:receiver})"
   "description": "Send a data file from one device to another"

}, "Network.SetNetDeviceNFCData": {

   "prefix": "Network.SetNetDeviceNFCData",
   "body": [
       "Network.SetNetDeviceNFCData(${0:internalName}, ${1:dataTable}, ${2:deviceTable})"
   "description": "Sets NFC data on a mission object"

}, "Network.SetNetDeviceNFC": {

   "prefix": "Network.SetNetDeviceNFC",
   "body": [
       "Network.SetNetDeviceNFC(${0:deviceName}, ${1:enabled})"
   "description": "Set if a mission object supports NFCAddNetDevice"

}, "Noise.Emit": {

   "prefix": "Noise.Emit",
   "body": [
       "Noise.Emit(${0:deviceName}, ${1:noiseTable})"
   "description": "Emits a noise from deviceName with attributes in noiseTable"

}, "Noise.Silence": {

   "prefix": "Noise.Silence",
   "body": [
   "description": "Silences the noise"

}, "Particles.Play": {

   "prefix": "Particles.Play",
   "body": [
       "Particles.Play(${0:deviceName}, ${1:searchChildren})"
   "description": "Sets the particle system into play mode and beings emitting"

}, "Particles.Pause": {

   "prefix": "Particles.Pause",
   "body": [
       "Particles.Pause(${0:deviceName}, ${1:searchChildren})"
   "description": "Pauses playing the particle system."

}, "Particles.Stop": {

   "prefix": "Particles.Stop",
   "body": [
       "Particles.Stop(${0:deviceName}, ${1:searchChildren})"
   "description": "Stops playing the particle system."

}, "Particles.Toggle": {

   "prefix": "Particles.Toggle",
   "body": [
       "Particles.Toggle(${0:deviceName}, ${1:searchChildren})"
   "description": "Toggles the particle system playing"

}, "Particles.Emit": {

   "prefix": "Particles.Emit",
   "body": [
       "Particles.Emit(${0:deviceName}, ${1:count}, ${2:searchChildren})"
   "description": "Emit _count_ particles immediately."

}, "Particles.IsPlaying": {

   "prefix": "Particles.IsPlaying",
   "body": [
       "Particles.IsPlaying(${0:deviceName}, ${1:searchChildren})"
   "description": "Is the particle system playing right now?"

}, "Player.AddItemToInventory": {

   "prefix": "Player.AddItemToInventory",
   "body": [
   "description": "Adds an item to the players inventory (silently, wihtout a notification. Also check Mission.SendData() )."

}, "Player.RemoveItemFromInventory": {

   "prefix": "Player.RemoveItemFromInventory",
   "body": [
   "description": "Removes an item to the players inventory"

}, "Player.HasItem": {

   "prefix": "Player.HasItem",
   "body": [
   "description": "Is an item in the players inventory"

}, "Player.ClearInventory": {

   "prefix": "Player.ClearInventory",
   "body": [
   "description": "Removes all items from the players inventory"

}, "Player.SetPlayerNFCData": {

   "prefix": "Player.SetPlayerNFCData",
   "body": [
       "Player.SetPlayerNFCData(${0:internalName}, ${1:dataTable})"
   "description": "Sets the NFC data on the players phone"

}, "Player.AddDataFile": {

   "prefix": "Player.AddDataFile",
   "body": [
       "Player.AddDataFile(${0:internalName}, ${1:dataTable})"
   "description": "Adds a data file directly to the players data inventory without a sender"

}, "Player.ClearDataInventory": {

   "prefix": "Player.ClearDataInventory",
   "body": [
   "description": "Removes all data files from the players data inventory"

}, "Player.HasDataFile": {

   "prefix": "Player.HasDataFile",
   "body": [
   "description": "Does the player have a data file with this name?"

}, "Player.HasEncryptedFile": {

   "prefix": "Player.HasEncryptedFile",
   "body": [
   "description": "Does the player have a file with the name _dataFileName_ and is it encrypted?"

}, "Player.HasDecryptedFile": {

   "prefix": "Player.HasDecryptedFile",
   "body": [
   "description": "Does the player have a file with the name _dataFileName_ and is it unencrypted?"

}, "Player.GetDataString": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetDataString",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns the data string of a file in the players inventory, takes in the internal name of the file"

}, "Player.SetDataString": {

   "prefix": "Player.SetDataString",
   "body": [
       "Player.SetDataString(${0:internalName}, ${1:newString})"
   "description": "Sets the data string of a data file in the players data inventory"

}, "Player.GetAllDataFileNames": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetAllDataFileNames",
   "body": [
   "description": "Return internalNames of all files in the players data inventory"

}, "Player.GetAllDataFiles": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetAllDataFiles",
   "body": [
   "description": "Return a table of all files in the players data inventory"

}, "Player.SendData": {

   "prefix": "Player.SendData",
   "body": [
       "Player.SendData(${0:internalName}, ${1:receiver})"
   "description": "Send a file from player's inventory to receiver"

}, "Player.GetDataPointMetaValue": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetDataPointMetaValue",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns how much new metdata player would gain from this DataPoint"

}, "Player.GetSocialProfileSize": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetSocialProfileSize",
   "body": [
   "description": "Returns the size of the background profile player has collected about a character"

}, "Player.SocialProfileContainsTag": {

   "prefix": "Player.SocialProfileContainsTag",
   "body": [
       "Player.SocialProfileContainsTag(${0:internalName}, ${1:tag})"
   "description": "Returns true if social profile contains any character data with specified tag"

}, "Player.SocialProfileContainsTagData": {

   "prefix": "Player.SocialProfileContainsTagData",
   "body": [
       "Player.SocialProfileContainsTagData(${0:internalName}, ${1:tag}, ${2:data})"
   "description": "Returns true if social profile contains character data matching both tag and data"

}, "Player.SocialProfileContainsData": {

   "prefix": "Player.SocialProfileContainsData",
   "body": [
       "Player.SocialProfileContainsData(${0:internalName}, ${1:data})"
   "description": "Returns true if social profile contains specified character data (regardless of it's tag)"

}, "Player.AddSocialProfileInformation": {

   "prefix": "Player.AddSocialProfileInformation",
   "body": [
       "Player.AddSocialProfileInformation(${0:internalName}, ${1:tag}, ${2:data})"
   "description": "Add new background data about a character to SocialInventory"

}, "Player.GetSocialProfileInformation": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetSocialProfileInformation",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get all known background data about a character from player's SocialInventory"

}, "Player.GetPlayerTrackingState": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetPlayerTrackingState",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get current tracking state from Player's phone."

}, "Player.GetNetPointsCount": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetNetPointsCount",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get current amount of NetPoints the player has."

}, "Player.SetNetPointsCount": {

   "prefix": "Player.SetNetPointsCount",
   "body": [
   "description": "Set player's NetPoints count."

}, "Player.AddNetPoints": {

   "prefix": "Player.AddNetPoints",
   "body": [
   "description": "Add more NetPoints to player"

}, "Player.RemoveNetPoints": {

   "prefix": "Player.RemoveNetPoints",
   "body": [
   "description": "Take NetPOintsa from player."

}, "Player.RecoverNetPoints": {

   "prefix": "Player.RecoverNetPoints",
   "body": [
   "description": "Recover used NetPoitns to player."

}, "Player.GetName": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetName",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the Player's internalName"

}, "Player.GetLightLevel": {

   "prefix": "Player.GetLightLevel",
   "body": [
   "description": "Get the light level around the player"

}, "Player.SetAlwaysRagdoll": {

   "prefix": "Player.SetAlwaysRagdoll",
   "body": [
   "description": "Player character aways ragdolls on death"

}, "Player.SetInvisible": {

   "prefix": "Player.SetInvisible",
   "body": [
   "description": "Player character is invisible"

}, "Scheduler.CallInSecsReal": {

   "prefix": "Scheduler.CallInSecsReal",
   "body": [
       "Scheduler.CallInSecsReal(${0:func}, ${1:timeInSecs})"
   "description": "Schedule a lua function to be called after timeInSecs in real time (counting time even if the game is paused, in a menu, or in conversation etc)"

}, "Scheduler.CallInSecs": {

   "prefix": "Scheduler.CallInSecs",
   "body": [
       "Scheduler.CallInSecs(${0:func}, ${1:timeInSecs})"
   "description": "Schedule a lua function to be called after timeInSecs in game time (time doens't count when the game is paused)"

}, "Scheduler.CallAtTime": {

   "prefix": "Scheduler.CallAtTime",
   "body": [
       "Scheduler.CallAtTime(${0:func}, ${1:dateTimeString})"
   "description": "Schedule a lua function to be called at specific time (defined by a date/time string formatted as dd/MM/yyyy/HH:mm)"

}, "Sound.TriggerEvent": {

   "prefix": "Sound.TriggerEvent",
   "body": [
       "Sound.TriggerEvent(${0:eventName}, ${1:sourceName})"
   "description": "Triggers a sound even with name eventName"

}, "Sound.SetRTPC": {

   "prefix": "Sound.SetRTPC",
   "body": [
       "Sound.SetRTPC(${0:sourceName}, ${1:RTPCName}, ${2:value})"
   "description": "Set Real-Time Parameter Curve for an audio event playign on this object"

}, "Spectrum.DeleteDataPoint": {

   "prefix": "Spectrum.DeleteDataPoint",
   "body": [
   "description": "Deletes the passed in data point"

}, "Spectrum.SaveDataPoint": {

   "prefix": "Spectrum.SaveDataPoint",
   "body": [
   "description": "Saves currently targeted data point to the players data inventory"

}, "Spectrum.FilterClear": {

   "prefix": "Spectrum.FilterClear",
   "body": [
   "description": "Clear the Filter"

}, "Spectrum.FilterType (int, bool)": {

   "prefix": "Spectrum.FilterType (int, bool)",
   "body": [
       "Spectrum.FilterType (int, bool)(${0:t}, ${1:on})"
   "description": "Filter which types of Data Spectrum shows"

}, "Spectrum.FilterCreator": {

   "prefix": "Spectrum.FilterCreator",
   "body": [
   "description": "Shows only Data from the Creator of the specified DataPoint. Pass nil to clear"

}, "Spectrum.FilterNetwork": {

   "prefix": "Spectrum.FilterNetwork",
   "body": [
   "description": "Shows only Data from the Network of the specified DataPoint. Pass nil to clear"

}, "System.SetLanguage": {

   "prefix": "System.SetLanguage",
   "body": [
   "description": "Sets the game language"

}, "System.GetCurrentInputMethod": {

   "prefix": "System.GetCurrentInputMethod",
   "body": [
   "description": "Checks what kind of input method was last used"

}, "Timeline.Play": {

   "prefix": "Timeline.Play",
   "body": [
   "description": "Starts the timeline"

}, "Timeline.Pause": {

   "prefix": "Timeline.Pause",
   "body": [
   "description": "Pauses the timeline"

}, "Timeline.Stop": {

   "prefix": "Timeline.Stop",
   "body": [
   "description": "Stops the timeline"

}, "Timeline.SetDynamicCameraTarget": {

   "prefix": "Timeline.SetDynamicCameraTarget",
   "body": [
       "Timeline.SetDynamicCameraTarget(${0:missionObjectName}, ${1:targetName})"
   "description": "Sets the look at & follow target for all dynamically targeted cameras in the timeline"

}, "Timeline.PauseAI": {

   "prefix": "Timeline.PauseAI",
   "body": [
   "description": "Pauses an AI agent."

}, "Timeline.UnpauseAI": {

   "prefix": "Timeline.UnpauseAI",
   "body": [
   "description": "Unpauses an AI agent, resuming standard behaviour."

}, "UI.ToggleClock": {

   "prefix": "UI.ToggleClock",
   "body": [
   "description": "Toggles the clock hud element"

}, "UI.ToggleWeather": {

   "prefix": "UI.ToggleWeather",
   "body": [
   "description": "Toggles the weather hud element"

}, "UI.SetDataViewState": {

   "prefix": "UI.SetDataViewState",
   "body": [
   "description": "Sets the state of the data view"

}, "UI.OpenRemoteConnection": {

   "prefix": "UI.OpenRemoteConnection",
   "body": [
   "description": "Opens SSH connection to currently targeted device"

}, "UI.SetRadialScanState": {

   "prefix": "UI.SetRadialScanState",
   "body": [
   "description": "Control if the radial menu should be scanning for targets"

}, "UI.ToggleUIMarkers": {

   "prefix": "UI.ToggleUIMarkers",
   "body": [
   "description": "Show/Hide UI markers for hackable and interactable objects near the player."

}, "UI.ShowHint": {

   "prefix": "UI.ShowHint",
   "body": [
       "UI.ShowHint(${0:message}, ${1:timeout})"
   "description": "Displays a hint message. Multiple messages will stack on screen but don't go too crazy..."

}, "UI.ShowModalMessage": {

   "prefix": "UI.ShowModalMessage",
   "body": [
   "description": "Displays a modal window with text filed, an optional picture, confirm button & optional cancle button."

}, "UI.ShowPopup": {

   "prefix": "UI.ShowPopup",
   "body": [
       "UI.ShowPopup(${0:type}, ${1:header}, ${2:message}, ${3:timeout})"
   "description": "Displays a small popup window in the centre of the screen"

}, "UI.ShowNotification": {

   "prefix": "UI.ShowNotification",
   "body": [
       "UI.ShowNotification(${0:type}, ${1:header}, ${2:message}, ${3:timeout})"
   "description": "Displays a notification popup in the top right corner of the screen"

}, "UI.ShowPopupMenu": {

   "prefix": "UI.ShowPopupMenu",
   "body": [
   "description": "Opens a popup menu with multiple options"
