Scheduler Lua API

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The Scheduler api allows users to Schedule callback events based on specific time values



Scheduler.CallInSecsReal(func, timeInSecs)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
func Lua Type
timeInSecs number

Description: Schedule a lua function to be called in timeInSecs real time

Returns: The id of the scheduled event


Scheduler.CallInSecs(func, timeInSecs)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
func Lua Type
timeInSecs number

Description: Schedule a lua function to be called in timeInSecs scaled time

Returns: The id of the scheduled event


Scheduler.CallAtTime(func, dateTimeString)

Expected parameter types

Name Type
func Lua Type
dateTimeString string

Description: Schedule a lua function to be called at specific time (defined by a date/time string)

Returns: The id of the scheduled event

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Docs last hacked together on: 13/10/2021 15:55